Permanent Residence (PR) Card Renewal in Canada

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Are you a permanent resident in Canada whose PR card is nearing expiration? Understanding the renew PR card Canada process, eligibility criteria, required documents, processing time, fees, and how to pay the fee is crucial for a seamless renewal experience.

PR Card Renewal Overview

Permanent resident cards are typically valid for up to 5 years. If your PR card is about to expire or will expire within the next 9 months, you can apply for a new one. It’s important to note that your permanent resident status remains intact even if your card expires. The PR Card renewal process usually takes a minimum of 49 days, but urgent processing options are available for faster results, albeit at an additional fee of $50.

Eligibility for PR Card Renewal

To be eligible for a PR card renewal, you must meet specific criteria:

  • Permanent Residency: You must be a permanent resident of Canada.
  • Physical Presence: You should be physically present in Canada.
  • No Removal Order: You must not be under an effective removal order.
  • Clean Record: You should be free of convictions for any offenses.
  • Not a Citizen: You must not be a Canadian citizen or a registered Indian under the Indian Act.
  • Proof of Lost/Stolen Card: If applicable, provide proof of a lost or stolen PR card.

Application Process

When applying for a PR card renewal, follow these steps:

Fill Out Form IMM 5444e: Complete the renewal application form accurately.

Required Documents: Include your expired PR card, proof of lost/stolen card (if applicable), valid travel documents like your passport, clear photos meeting specifications, criminal records check, and other identity documents as needed.

Additional Documents

Depending on your circumstances, you may need to provide additional documents such as:

  • Confirmation of permanent residence record.
  • Valid government-issued ID like a driving license.
  • Recent tax documents.
  • Birth certificate if under 18 years old.


Where to Send Your Application

Send your PR card renewal application to the Case Processing Centre (CPC) in Sydney, Nova Scotia. The address differs based on whether you’re using regular mail or courier services.

Processing Time and Fee

Processing times can vary from 45 days to 6 months or longer depending on various factors. The application fee for PR card renewal is $50, which is non-refundable. Paying this fee online and obtaining a receipt is crucial for your application.

Receiving Your New PR Card

If you’re in Canada, you’ll receive your new PR card by mail or may need to collect it from an IRCC office. Notify IRCC of any address changes promptly. For those outside Canada, collection of the card is necessary upon return, or a one-time re-entry permit may be required for renewal purposes.

What to Do If Your Card Is Delayed

If you haven’t received your PR card within six weeks of mailing, contact IRCC for updates. Delays may occur due to residency requirements or application complexities.

Working with Immigration Consultants

It can be difficult to navigate the PR card renewal process, particularly for people who are not familiar with immigration procedures. Immigration consultants or visa consultants are experts in helping customers renew their permanent resident cards, making sure all conditions are satisfied and applications are filed accurately. Their knowledge can make things easier and lower the possibility of mistakes or hold-ups.

The Bottom Line

To keep your status as a permanent resident of Canada, you must renew your PR card. Through a thorough comprehension of the eligibility requirements, necessary paperwork, turnaround times, costs, and methods for payment, you may proficiently handle the renewal process. A successful PR card renewal process depends on your ability to submit a correct and comprehensive application, regardless of whether you decide to file on your own or with the help of immigration specialists. Maintain awareness, abide by the rules, and obtain permanent residency status in Canada.