Investor’s VISA

Investor’s Visa Nova Scotia Entrepreneur Stream

Nova Scotia Entrepreneur Stream is for senior business managers and experienced business owners who wish to live in Nova Scotia. The objective of introducing this Visa scheme is to pull in those skilled immigrants who have the ability to either set up or take over an existing venture or firm in the province.

The candidates are issued the work permits that enable them to gain admission into the province. After making their entry into the province, they launch their own venture and manage it for at least one year.

And when the candidates are able to fulfill every condition of the plan after one year of time-frame, then they become eligible for the nomination of the prized (PR) permanent residency standing.

The age of the candidates applying for the Nova Scotia Entrepreneur category should be more than 21 years. Their net worth should be more than 600,000 Canadian dollars. Moreover, they should be able to invest a minimum of 150,000 Canadian dollars to set up a business venture in the Nova Scotia province of Canada.

The three-year vigorous three-year business experience of running a firm/ venture is also a must for the program. For candidates who lack three-year vigorous three-year business experience, the alternative is a five-year experience in a top-ranking organization with a business management responsibility.

It is also a must for the candidates to have a minimum five-year experience of the Canadian language benchmark in every one of the four classes, namely listening, speaking, writing and reading.  For further information, you should contact the team LCC, will provide you with the latest updated information related to the Nova Scotia Entrepreneur Stream.

Nova Scotia Entrepreneur Stream Process

The Nova Scotia Entrepreneur Stream process involves five essential steps. The steps are as given below:

  1. Present EOI (Expression of Interest) to the province of Nova Scotia.

Applicants will have to specify their interest in running venture/ firm and settle in the province through completing an Expression of Interest (EOI). The candidates have to produce the details/ particulars related to their administration experience, business proprietorship, education, investment, age, language, adaptability, and worth, etc. Those who fulfill these minimum conditions are eligible to put forward an EOI.

  1. The Invitation To Apply

If you are a top scoring candidate, the Nova Scotia immigration office will inform you that an invitation has been sent to you to forward an official petition to the Nova Scotia Nominee Program by way of an ITA letter.

  1. Temporary work permit and business Establishment in Nova Scotia

Successful applicants will ink a business performance deal with the Nova Scotia immigration office indicating their plan to launch a firm/ venture in the province.  And, after entering into a business performance deal the immigration office in Nova Scotia will offer applicant entrepreneur approval letters for the Nova Scotia Nominee program. Candidates will take account of the approval letter in their petition to the IRCC for the 2- year- valid work permit.

  1. Nomination request

The fourth step of the process will start once the applicants complete all the formalities and meet all the terms and conditions meant for the program. Now it has become mandatory for candidates to run their firms or venture for a time period of not less than a year.

  1. Submit An Application To The IRCC

After a year, candidates will have to present their business establishment report to the Nova Scotia Office of Immigration.  And then only they can apply to get a nomination for the Permanent residence (PR).

After the nomination, the candidates need to submit an application to the IRCC for the prized PR Standing.